
What Cana Said|DC Superhero AU|Drabble|FT|

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Literature Text

Character(S)- Cana A., Lucy H.
Pairing(S)- Lucana
Fandom- Fairy Tail
AU- DC Superhero AU

“I can’t believe you talked me into this!”

‘It’ll be quick’ Cana said, ‘We won’t get caught’ Cana said, 'Trust me’ Cana said. It doesn’t matter what Cana said before, as long as Lucy’s concerned they were just lies. Criminals were all the same to her and stealing is bad now matter how much you try to justify it. However, Lucy had a cetain soft spot for this cat burgular and Cana had a way with words.

As a superhero it was her job to turn cat burgulars like Cana into the hands of the law but this time she just got talked into helping her steal something.

Now the clumsy cat burgular has them in a a game of cat and mouse around the city and lucky for Lucy -who was in a vivid costume- the police did not notice who she was.

“Shhh…” Cana shushed Lucy as they slid into a narrow ally. She had a smug grin about her facial features as if she was up to something and before Lucy could say anything more, the police passed the ally they were in.

The blonde sighed and rested her back against the wall and before she knew it, the cat burgular escaped, right when she was under Lucy’s nose
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